DarkMoon Exchange

DarkMoon Exchange

DarkMoon Exchange

Creating a simple and secure sign-up process for a cryptocurrency exchange website.

Creating a simple and secure sign-up process for a cryptocurrency exchange website.

Creating a simple and secure sign-up process for a cryptocurrency exchange website.

UX/UI Design User Research

UX/UI Design User Research

UX/UI Design User Research

DarkMoon Exchange on devices mockup

Project Context

This was the second project of my Google UX Design Professional Certificate course, where the objective was to design a responsive website. I chose a prompt for a cryptocurrency exchange. This experience highlighted the importance of designing intuitive and user-friendly processes while ensuring adherence to relevant regulations and industry standards. By navigating the complexities of this balance, I developed a deeper understanding of how user-centric design principles can coexist with legal and compliance considerations, benefiting both businesses and end-users across various industries.

Design Prompt

Design a sign-up process for a cryptocurrency exchange


Design a simple and user-friendly sign-up process that is efficient, secure, and compliant with industry standards.

Image of cryptocurency coins with price chart in background


Through competitive analysis of popular cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken, I identified the strengths and weaknesses of their sign-up processes. User research helped me understand the needs and pain points of our target audience, including the preference for a simple process, concerns about security, and the expectation of clear instructions. Based on user research, I developed user personas and a user journey map.

User Persona: John
User Persona: Isla
Image of customer journey map


The challenge was to create a simple, informative, and secure sign-up process for both novice and experienced users. Since cryptocurrency is a relatively new and complex field, it is essential to provide a clear and straightforward sign-up process that guides users through the necessary steps.

Image of phone and computer showing crypto charts

How might we create a user-friendly platform that simplifies cryptocurrency trading and empowers individuals to confidently engage with digital assets?

In a rapidly evolving financial landscape, many individuals are interested in exploring the world of cryptocurrency trading, but often encounter barriers such as complex sign-up processes and concerns about security and usability.


Based on user research, the key features identified for the DarkMoon website included a responsive design for seamless user experience across various devices, secure user authentication and transaction processing, and guided infromation throughout the sign up process. Lo-fi wireframes were created to visually represent the design and layout of each screen in the main user flow.

Image of lo-fi wireframes and prototype

Usability Testing

I conducted usability testing with five users to gather feedback on the lo-fi prototype and identify any usability issues. Key insights include: - Users found the sign-up process simple and easy to follow, with clear instructions and guidance. - Users appreciated the clear and concise language used throughout the process. - Users had some issues with the KYC verification process, such as unclear instructions and difficulties uploading their ID. - Users found the identity verification process to be time-consuming and tedious.

 Following insights gathered from usability testing, I made the strategic decision to enhance the user experience by adding an option to the KYC process allowing users to "skip for now". While KYC procedures are mandatory in order to trade on our platform, I understand the importance of allowing users the ability to explore the platform before providing their personal information. This simple option provides users with the flexibility and control they need, while still ensuring compliance with federal regulations.

Image of before and after usability testing

Final Designs

Based on the changes made to the lo-fi prototype, I created hi-fi wireframes and mockups to refine the design and layout of each screen. I made additional design choices, such as color schemes, typography, illustrations and iconography, to enhance the user experience. I chose a dark UI scheme for this cryptocurrency exchange project to create a secure and trustworthy environment, emphasize important information, and appeal to users with a sleek, futuristic design. Accessibility considerations were taken into account to ensure high contrast and legibility.


By incorporating user feedback and focusing on accessibility, the sign-up process for DarkMoon Exchange became simple, informative, and user-friendly. The addition of the "skip for now" option increased user flexibility, while maintaining compliance with regulations. My key learnings from this project include balancing regulatory compliance with user experience, creating accessible designs, and the importance of usability testing.

DarkMoon Exchange on devices mockup

Project Context

This was the second project of my Google UX Design Professional Certificate course, where the objective was to design a responsive website. I chose a prompt for a cryptocurrency exchange. This experience highlighted the importance of designing intuitive and user-friendly processes while ensuring adherence to relevant regulations and industry standards. By navigating the complexities of this balance, I developed a deeper understanding of how user-centric design principles can coexist with legal and compliance considerations, benefiting both businesses and end-users across various industries.

Design Prompt

Design a sign-up process for a cryptocurrency exchange


Design a simple and user-friendly sign-up process that is efficient, secure, and compliant with industry standards.

Image of cryptocurency coins with price chart in background


Through competitive analysis of popular cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken, I identified the strengths and weaknesses of their sign-up processes. User research helped me understand the needs and pain points of our target audience, including the preference for a simple process, concerns about security, and the expectation of clear instructions. Based on user research, I developed user personas and a user journey map.

User Persona: John
User Persona: Isla
Image of customer journey map


The challenge was to create a simple, informative, and secure sign-up process for both novice and experienced users. Since cryptocurrency is a relatively new and complex field, it is essential to provide a clear and straightforward sign-up process that guides users through the necessary steps.

Image of phone and computer showing crypto charts

How might we create a user-friendly platform that simplifies cryptocurrency trading and empowers individuals to confidently engage with digital assets?

In a rapidly evolving financial landscape, many individuals are interested in exploring the world of cryptocurrency trading, but often encounter barriers such as complex sign-up processes and concerns about security and usability.


Based on user research, the key features identified for the DarkMoon website included a responsive design for seamless user experience across various devices, secure user authentication and transaction processing, and guided infromation throughout the sign up process. Lo-fi wireframes were created to visually represent the design and layout of each screen in the main user flow.

Image of lo-fi wireframes and prototype

Usability Testing

I conducted usability testing with five users to gather feedback on the lo-fi prototype and identify any usability issues. Key insights include: - Users found the sign-up process simple and easy to follow, with clear instructions and guidance. - Users appreciated the clear and concise language used throughout the process. - Users had some issues with the KYC verification process, such as unclear instructions and difficulties uploading their ID. - Users found the identity verification process to be time-consuming and tedious.

 Following insights gathered from usability testing, I made the strategic decision to enhance the user experience by adding an option to the KYC process allowing users to "skip for now". While KYC procedures are mandatory in order to trade on our platform, I understand the importance of allowing users the ability to explore the platform before providing their personal information. This simple option provides users with the flexibility and control they need, while still ensuring compliance with federal regulations.

Image of before and after usability testing

Final Designs

Based on the changes made to the lo-fi prototype, I created hi-fi wireframes and mockups to refine the design and layout of each screen. I made additional design choices, such as color schemes, typography, illustrations and iconography, to enhance the user experience. I chose a dark UI scheme for this cryptocurrency exchange project to create a secure and trustworthy environment, emphasize important information, and appeal to users with a sleek, futuristic design. Accessibility considerations were taken into account to ensure high contrast and legibility.


By incorporating user feedback and focusing on accessibility, the sign-up process for DarkMoon Exchange became simple, informative, and user-friendly. The addition of the "skip for now" option increased user flexibility, while maintaining compliance with regulations. My key learnings from this project include balancing regulatory compliance with user experience, creating accessible designs, and the importance of usability testing.

DarkMoon Exchange on devices mockup

Project Context

This was the second project of my Google UX Design Professional Certificate course, where the objective was to design a responsive website. I chose a prompt for a cryptocurrency exchange. This experience highlighted the importance of designing intuitive and user-friendly processes while ensuring adherence to relevant regulations and industry standards. By navigating the complexities of this balance, I developed a deeper understanding of how user-centric design principles can coexist with legal and compliance considerations, benefiting both businesses and end-users across various industries.

Design Prompt

Design a sign-up process for a cryptocurrency exchange


Design a simple and user-friendly sign-up process that is efficient, secure, and compliant with industry standards.

Image of cryptocurency coins with price chart in background


Through competitive analysis of popular cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken, I identified the strengths and weaknesses of their sign-up processes. User research helped me understand the needs and pain points of our target audience, including the preference for a simple process, concerns about security, and the expectation of clear instructions. Based on user research, I developed user personas and a user journey map.

User Persona: John
User Persona: Isla
Image of customer journey map


The challenge was to create a simple, informative, and secure sign-up process for both novice and experienced users. Since cryptocurrency is a relatively new and complex field, it is essential to provide a clear and straightforward sign-up process that guides users through the necessary steps.

Image of phone and computer showing crypto charts

How might we create a user-friendly platform that simplifies cryptocurrency trading and empowers individuals to confidently engage with digital assets?

In a rapidly evolving financial landscape, many individuals are interested in exploring the world of cryptocurrency trading, but often encounter barriers such as complex sign-up processes and concerns about security and usability.


Based on user research, the key features identified for the DarkMoon website included a responsive design for seamless user experience across various devices, secure user authentication and transaction processing, and guided infromation throughout the sign up process. Lo-fi wireframes were created to visually represent the design and layout of each screen in the main user flow.

Image of lo-fi wireframes and prototype

Usability Testing

I conducted usability testing with five users to gather feedback on the lo-fi prototype and identify any usability issues. Key insights include: - Users found the sign-up process simple and easy to follow, with clear instructions and guidance. - Users appreciated the clear and concise language used throughout the process. - Users had some issues with the KYC verification process, such as unclear instructions and difficulties uploading their ID. - Users found the identity verification process to be time-consuming and tedious.

 Following insights gathered from usability testing, I made the strategic decision to enhance the user experience by adding an option to the KYC process allowing users to "skip for now". While KYC procedures are mandatory in order to trade on our platform, I understand the importance of allowing users the ability to explore the platform before providing their personal information. This simple option provides users with the flexibility and control they need, while still ensuring compliance with federal regulations.

Image of before and after usability testing

Final Designs

Based on the changes made to the lo-fi prototype, I created hi-fi wireframes and mockups to refine the design and layout of each screen. I made additional design choices, such as color schemes, typography, illustrations and iconography, to enhance the user experience. I chose a dark UI scheme for this cryptocurrency exchange project to create a secure and trustworthy environment, emphasize important information, and appeal to users with a sleek, futuristic design. Accessibility considerations were taken into account to ensure high contrast and legibility.


By incorporating user feedback and focusing on accessibility, the sign-up process for DarkMoon Exchange became simple, informative, and user-friendly. The addition of the "skip for now" option increased user flexibility, while maintaining compliance with regulations. My key learnings from this project include balancing regulatory compliance with user experience, creating accessible designs, and the importance of usability testing.

© 2023 Kelsey Blincoe